Зачем жить, если не чувствуешь, что живешь…
Отзывы людей, которые были на просмотре и Q&A "Маленького одолжения".


So, let’s start from the beginning. It was Sunday, 27th of April when the information that BC is coming to Poland was released. The excitement, the mayhem that followed this information… I knew I have to be there. But how am I going to go to Cracow? The planning, the reading everything Off-related resulted in me going to Cracow to buy a pass that would allow me to pick up a zero-ticket for Little Favour and Q&A with Sunny March. I was incredibly happy, Off volunters were nice, helpful and I really enjoyed talking with them. But on the 7th of May, shit started to go down.
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Hello everyone, so this is my account of the Saturday’s Little Favour screening and Q&A :) I went there together with my friend, tenlittlebirds, who had managed to buy a special pass and get a “zero ticket” for the screening (which was not that easy because there was a huge interest and only around 800 tickets.). I won my ticket in a contest one week ago. We are both from Warsaw so we decided to go to Krakow on Friday because the screening was planned for Saturday morning. The tickets were (un)fortunately non-numbered so everybody had to wake up early and stand in a queue. We arrived at the cinema at about 7 am and it turned out that there were already about 80 people in front of us. But if you take into account the whole number of seats that was not so bad. Luckily, a small group of lovely fans made a special list with all the names, so we could take a walk and didn’t have to wait in the queue the whole time. About an hour before the meeting we all formed a long, long line along the whole street (you can imagine the faces of those passers-by who didn’t know what was going on ;) and those without tickets were waiting in front of the cinema. The queue entered the cinema before the arrival of our guests, so we welcomed them inside. I and tenlittlebirds were happily sitting in the 5th row, which was very close to the stage.
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@темы: Benedict Cumberbatch, Camera Off Plus, Polandbatch