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Sophie Okonedo plays Margaret

How were you approached about taking part in The Hollow Crown?
I’ve known Dominic Cooke for a long time and have worked with him before. He asked me if I wanted to play Margaret. I had seen Richard II from the first series and loved it. I’d never read the original plays until I got Ben Power’s adapted scripts. What attracted me is the power of the stories and the words. It was a no-brainer.

What did you think of Margaret?
I was surprised I didn’t know about the character before. I don’t have a huge knowledge of Shakespeare - I’ve done a bit but not loads. I’m more familiar with the famous plays. I was amazed that there was such an extraordinary character. She becomes extraordinary throughout the whole cycle but one play on its own wouldn’t give you a sense of who she really is.

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Does it inspire you when you’re working with actors of this calibre?
I think it brings quite a lot of relaxation. Everyone knows what they’re doing and they’re at the stage in their career when they’re no longer trying to prove things. It’s a relaxed atmosphere because you’re working with the best, and everybody is there to serve the play. It’s quite a laugh too, which is important to me - I love the work but it’s important to have a laugh as well. It’s been brilliant working with Benedict. I’ve known him for years anyway and have worked with him before. He’s pretty much the same as he was back then. He’s a great actor and really good casting for Richard III.

Что вдохновляет Вас, когда вы работаете с актерами такого калибра?
Я думаю, что это приносит довольно много расслабления. Все знают, что они делают, и они на той стадии их карьеры, когда они больше не пытаются что-то доказать. Это спокойная атмосфера, потому что вы работаете с лучшими, и все они здесь для служения пьесы. Это также много смеха, что очень важно для меня - я люблю свою работу, но очень важно, чтобы хорошо посмеяться. Это было блестяще работать с Бенедиктом. Я знаю его в течение многих лет, так или иначе, и работала с ним раньше. Он в очень мил, как и раньше. Он отличный актер и очень хороший выбор для Ричарда III.