Зачем жить, если не чувствуешь, что живешь…
Tell her she’s safe now
(Скажи ей - она сейчас в безопасности)

- Извините. Сейчас не тот момент, чтобы быть героем, мистер Холмс.
(Я выиграл и вы ничего не сможете с этим поделать)

читать дальше

@темы: Sherlock, tumblr, между строк, Sherlock BBC

Зачем жить, если не чувствуешь, что живешь…
14 июля после спекткля состоялось Q&A каста.


фото и Q&A

Stage door



@темы: фото, Martin Freeman, театр, Richard III

Зачем жить, если не чувствуешь, что живешь…
Продолжаем считать наряды Мартина и учиться его стилю.

1 х


@темы: фото, Martin Freeman, Richard III

Зачем жить, если не чувствуешь, что живешь…
Зачем жить, если не чувствуешь, что живешь…
24 июля Бенедикт Камбербэтч будет на San Diego ComicCon вместе с командой "Пингвины из Мадагаскара": с Джоном Малковичем, Томом МакГрафом, режиссерами Саймоном Дж.Смиттом и Эриком Дарнеллом.

расписание ComicCon

@темы: Benedict Cumberbatch, "Penguins of Madagascar", новости

Зачем жить, если не чувствуешь, что живешь…
Вот так откроешь учебник по английской литературе, а там вот это...



@темы: фото, Benedict Cumberbatch, "Frankenstein"

Зачем жить, если не чувствуешь, что живешь…
После трех-дневного перерыва Мартин снова порадовал поклонников выходом у стейдждора.

Стейдждор 10 июля.



@темы: фото, Martin Freeman, театр, Richard III

Зачем жить, если не чувствуешь, что живешь…
Сегодня были объявлены номинанты на премию Emmy 2014.


Награждение состоится 25 августа.

И ответная реакция Бенедикта на новость о номинации.

Benedict Cumberbatch's reaction to Emmy Nomination

"A fantastic early birthday present! Can't wait to come and sweat on the red carpet, applaud everyone else winning. And then get drunk and dance!

"That's amazing news to start the day with here in Boston! An early birthday present. I'm honoured to be in such great company, not least Martin. Thrilled for all who make Sherlock and especially those who have been nominated in soo many categories. "

@темы: Martin Freeman, Sherlock, Sherlock BBC, Benedict Cumberbatch, "Fargo", премии, новости

Зачем жить, если не чувствуешь, что живешь…
Четырехминутное видео, как готовился спектакль "Ричард III"

@темы: видео, Martin Freeman, Richard III



Зачем жить, если не чувствуешь, что живешь…
Бенедикт Камбербэтч стал официальным лицом китайского отделения компании Dunlop.

Бенедикт заключил 2-х годичный контракт с компанией Dunlop, которая начнётся в июле 2014 г.


@темы: видео, фото, Benedict Cumberbatch, другие проекты


Richard III

Зачем жить, если не чувствуешь, что живешь…
Зачем жить, если не чувствуешь, что живешь…
Что мы знаем о предстоящем спектакле "Гамлет"?
Пройдет с 6 августа по 31 октября 2015 г. в Лондоне в театре Бфрбикан.
Исполнитель роли Гамлета - Бенедикт Камбербэтч.
Режиссер спектакля - Линсди Тёрнер.
Продюссер спектакля - Соня Фридман.

А вот теперь стало известно и имя сценографа спектакля - Эс Девлин.
Сайт Эс Девлин.

В послужном списке Эс - две премии Лоуренса Оливье, за лучший костюмы ( The Dog in the Manger, 2006 г.) и лучший дизайн постановки (Chimerica, 2014 г.), а также церемония закрытия Летних Олимпийских игры 2012 года в Лондоне.
Это будет вторая работа с Линдси Тёрнер.
Надеюсь, что "Гамлет" в очень надёжных руках.


@темы: Hamlet, театр, Benedict Cumberbatch, новости

Зачем жить, если не чувствуешь, что живешь…
Мартин продолжает радовать не только на сцене, но и на выходе из театра после спектакля.



Мартин до спектакля - приезд мартина в театр.


+3 фото

@темы: фото, Martin Freeman, Richard III

Зачем жить, если не чувствуешь, что живешь…

Daily Mail

Applause! Applause! My kingdom for applause: But are overexcited Hobbit fans ruining Martin Freeman’s Richard III for Shakespeare purists?

All eyes may be on Martin Freeman when he brings Shakespeare’s Machiavellian Richard III to life on stage – but for traditional theatregoers, the very worst villains are in the audience.

Fans of the Hobbit star have been accused of breaching ‘theatre etiquette’ by cheering the actor’s very first scene, during which he delivers the soliloquy starting ‘Now is the winter of our discontent’.

Conventionally, audiences break into applause only at the beginning of the interval and at the final curtain.

However, enthusiastic Hobbit fans, many of whom are first-time theatregoers, have been accused of ruining some of Shakespeare’s most spellbinding moments with their ‘annoying’ and ‘disruptive’ bursts of applause.

One audience member, theatre blogger Claire Dikecoglu, said last night: ‘After the opening monologue some fans tried to kick off clapping and cheering, which I found to be disruptive and unnecessary.

‘There are strong views on this, but I was irritated when the audience interrupted the flow of the play to clap and cheer Martin’s first scene.’

Miss Dikecoglu, who was sitting in the front row for the show’s preview at London’s Trafalgar Studios, added: ‘While I am not a traditionalist in terms of dramaturgy, I do believe in proper theatre etiquette.

‘It’s a first preview and there were mistakes. I understand that Martin Freeman is popular, but I have no bigger pet peeve than everything getting standing ovations these days.’

Celebrated actress Dame Eileen Atkins agreed that applauding someone during the middle of a production was ‘wrong’.

She said: ‘It ultimately breaks the spell of the story. I think that what is happening is because of the success of The Hobbit. Martin Freeman is attracting a different kind of audience who are not used to the theatre. Judi Dench is a big name, but I don’t think that her audience would behave in that fashion.’

Haydn Gwynne, who co-starred opposite Kevin Spacey in The Old Vic’s 2011 production of Richard III, said applauding a star during a play could be ‘undemocratic’.

She added: ‘If people clap at the beginning, then there is a danger they are being taken out of the story. It should not be about the famous person. It should be about the play and the role.’

And Maureen Lipman, who is about to star in the West End production of Daytona, also blamed the over-zealous applause on the fact that Freeman’s starring role in The Hobbit trilogy had attracted a much younger audience to the show. She said: ‘Martin Freeman’s face is on every bus in London.

The producers are going out to find the Hobbit audience. They are spending a fortune to target them.’
She added: ‘The director tweeted the other day about the fact that the first two rows could expect to find themselves spattered in fake blood.

‘They are aiming for people who spend most of their day with wire in their ears. It is not so much Richard III as Richard the rock concert.’

However, Oscar-winning dramatist Christopher Hampton, who is one of Britain’s most successful playwrights, said he had no problem with people showing appreciation for actors in the middle of a play.

Mr Hampton, whose hits include Les Liaisons Dangereuses and the musical Sunset Boulevard, said: ‘Attracting first-time theatregoers is the holy grail as far as we are all concerned. We want them to come as much as possible.’ He added: ‘I love it when people applaud in the middle of the play. I am all for people having a good time in the theatre and if they want to express themselves like that, I don’t see any harm in it.’

Last night Freeman, who has also appeared in TV hit Sherlock, was unavailable for comment, but Richard III director Jamie Lloyd stepped in to defend the production’s enthusiastic reception.

He said: ‘The show’s standing ovations have been instant, to reward the entire cast, not just Martin. They don’t wait for Martin to come on for his bow. I think that we are seeing an authentic, enthusiastic reaction from a generational muddle in the audience.

‘Younger, first-time theatregoers are more vocal and they are certainly screaming their appreciation at the end.’

Ненавижу, когда в театр ходят только ради актера, а не ради спектакля. Сама люблю ходить и на актера, но при этом я всегда иду и на спектакль. И всегда с уважением отношусь к тому, что идёт на сцене.
Ненавижу разговоры во время спектакля, ненавижу телефонные звонки, ненавижу, когда не вовремя смеются или аплодируют.
Была однажды на "Ииусус Христос - суперзвезда". Моя любимая вещь. И вот сижу, смотрю спектакль, выходит Пётр, а у меня за спиной раздается "Пчёла! Пчёла!". Петра играл Павел Майков, который до этого сыграл Пчёлу в "Бригаде". Только уважение к спектаклю и к актерам оставило меня на месте.
Когда смотрю записи спектаклей ("Франкенштейн", "Кориолан"), реально бесят "фанатки".
Хоть и люблю кино смотреть на большом экране, всё-таки обстановка дома, когда никто не мешает - лучше всего. Жаль, что спектакли записывают в обыкновенные показы (ради реакции публики и живого представления), но.... звук зала иногда хочется выключить.

@темы: фото, Martin Freeman, театр, Richard III

Зачем жить, если не чувствуешь, что живешь…
4 июля.
Очередной stagedoor.





@темы: фото, Martin Freeman, театр, Richard III

Зачем жить, если не чувствуешь, что живешь…
Интервью с Софи Оконедо в The Guardian.
Sophie Okonedo interview: 'I have to go across the Atlantic to get work'

However, later this year Okonedo will start filming a UK TV part that may prove as symbolically significant for really broad casting in broadcasting as Lester's Henry V did in theatre. "I'm doing something next which will really challenge conventional ideas. Some people will be thrilled, others less so."

It is an open secret at the BBC and on the internet that the role is Queen Margaret – a white Frenchwoman – in an adaptation of Shakespeare's Henry VI and Richard III plays for the series The Hollow Crown. Although the project has been widely reported, Okonedo regretfully confides that the producers have ordered her not to talk about it in this interview – she rang up to ask permission, which suggests that she is both a rule keeper and team player – as it has not been officially announced. "I was told I'm not allowed to say anything. Why, I don't know."

А если учесть, что Бенедикт пригласил Даму Джуди Дэнч на эту роль, и она согласилась и все уже сообщили об этом, то становится всё интереснее.

@темы: "Black Mass", "Hollow Crown"

Зачем жить, если не чувствуешь, что живешь…
Это дейсвительно очередное зрелище. :)

Мартин после спектакля.


@темы: фото, Martin Freeman, театр, Richard III, стиль

Зачем жить, если не чувствуешь, что живешь…
Небольшой рекламный ролик Спенсера Харта.

Spencer Hart in L.A. from Spencer Hart on Vimeo.

кусочки с Бенедиктом



@темы: видео, Benedict Cumberbatch, стиль

Зачем жить, если не чувствуешь, что живешь…
Review: Richard III (starring Martin Freeman), at Trafalgar Transformed
(текст содержит спойлеры по спектаклю)

There is much to like about Richard III. He is an one-man slaughter house, although he is more the senior executive than the cleaver. He is manipulative but he confides in us. In that respect, he is a bit like Hannibal. We spent so much time in his head we might as well like him. Or even trust him. And here is the great truth about Richard III: everyone knows he is the villain so he doesn’t have to be played as one.

Martin Freeman made his name playing “good guys” but this is an oversimplification (as most things in the media are). His performances brim with intelligence and occasional frustration. As Richard III, he starts tentatively but quickly hits his stride. In the scene where Richard does the impossible and woos Anne over her husband’s dead body, the openness of his approach is both alluring and frightening. If his good guys are frustrated by their virtue, his bad guy is frustrated by the absence of ambition. That’s why he kills, because no one is as ambitious as he is. It seems fair. At least to him. But he makes a pretty good case of it.

His performance is a rich combination of contempt, impatience, a sense of the ridiculous and a sweaty kind of wit, no more so than when he faces his nightmares. His final monologue is brilliant, his final moments – with a sly node to Indiana Jones – worthy of a vile but seductive king.

The other actors enter the fray with the same energy and glee: Forbes Masson is a brilliantly confident Hastings, a man who fancies himself a wheeler and dealer, only to realise that his head has been on the block all along. Gina Mckee is a heartbreaking Elizabeth, especially when Richard tries to convince her to broker a marriage with her daughter. She is broken by grief and fear but still won’t give him an inch. Lauren O’Neil’s Anne projects an intelligent kind of stoicism and. when it counts, she shows she is made of a harder metal.

Jamie Lloyd has a no nonsense approach to Shakespeare. He goes for the jugular, sort of speak. I don’t mean he is plain but he finds a way to untangle the threads and that makes for a very satisfying telling of the story. The 70s setting is a blessing and a curse. I come from a country that had a proper hardcore dictatorship in the 70s and everything in the production – the faded yellows and the static of interrupted tv broadcasts – smelt of that fear. But the design, while beautiful in itself, is impractical: the set is dominated by two long desks and five smaller ones. The actors have no space to move and they have to work hard to keep the momentum going.

Regardless, the vitality of the production is hard to deem. It captures a place where fear goes hand in hand with ambition, and the flow of blood, sweat and tears is the price one accepts to pay for sitting at the head of the table for a precious few moments.

In a time-honoured tradition with my Shakespeare reviews, the following section has SPOILERS. Don’t read if you don’t want to be spoiled about the production.

Here Be Monsters. I mean SPOILERS.


Мартиина Фриман в роли Ричарда III

@темы: Martin Freeman, театр, Richard III

Зачем жить, если не чувствуешь, что живешь…
Review: Martin Freeman is Richard III at the Trafalgar Studios

When Jamie Lloyd chooses an office setting for Shakespeare's play about a Machiavellian hunchback king with Martin "Tim" Freeman as the lead then references to sitcom The Office are inevitable. Aren't they?

However, the office context is problematic but not because of the association. Freeman's performance is as far removed from Tim as you can get. He reminded me a little of Bruno Gantz's Hitler in the film Downfall crossed with a British politician. Both wholly appropriate for a character that is a master of manipulation but with murderous tendencies when that doesn't work.

The office is more of a problem with the set and staging. The stage is crammed with desks leaving little open performance space. In hampering the movement of the actors it felt like it was holding them and the action back. But not only this, Lloyd's office is in the 1970s and by the interval I was struggling to see what either was adding.

OK so there is a nice use of a Newton's cradle adding a rhythmic pulse to a murder scene and lift doors made an effective entry point but other touches just made it feel a little like a slightly dodgy 70s sitcom. For example, at one point the lift doors (which were quite wobbly) opened and closed repeatedly as if possessed and then there are exploding electrics when Queen Margaret arrives to issue her curse.
In Tweets Lloyd promised a bloody and violent Richard III and it is certainly that but again in the office context it sometimes felt a little overblown. I'm a big fan of stage blood but on this occasion it looked like it had been applied with a little too much excited generosity back stage. If indeed he was going for 70s sitcom feel, maybe that was the point but it didn't feel like it was for laughs.

Of course there are laughs in Richard III and Freeman played them brilliantly. In fact it is probably in the mannerisms and attitude of the characters that most felt in tune with the 70s theme.

Overall this felt like a production which was 'because we can' rather than 'because we should' and it will be remembered not for Martin Freeman's fab performance but having a production that hindered rather than enhanced the play.

It was second preview so perhaps some things will change. But, what do I know, it got a standing ovation, although not from me, ovations are gold medal gestures that are more potent when selectively bestowed and I truly didn't think it was worthy.

Sorry Jamie Lloyd but this wasn't on a par with Propeller's Richard III, it wasn't really close. Disappointed. I think @polyg has slightly more generous views and will be posting her thoughts on The Other Bridge Project blog

It runs at the Trafalgar Studios until 27 September.

- See more at: theatre.revstan.com/2014/07/review-martin-freem...

@темы: Martin Freeman, театр, Richard III